
A Cashless Experience for Pilgrims Embarking on Hajj and Umrah Journeys

WadzPay provides an unparalleled ecosystem for financial institutions, integrating our Wallets, Payments, and Tokenization solutions for the pilgrimage sector. Our unique Private Blockchain-Based Pilgrim Program ensures security, speed, and cashless transactions for pilgrims while enabling Issuers and Acquirers to efficiently manage transactions.

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A Better Payment Experience

Revolutionising Pilgrimage Transactions

We enable banks to issue blockchain-powered wallets for pilgrims to transact across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). These wallets are pegged 1:1 with local currency, ensuring stability. Pilgrims can load wallets before the journey, and transact at merchant POS terminals integrated with our Payments solution.

Seamless Integration for a Holistic Experience

We provide a centralised Issuer Portal, offering strategic insights into transactions and user behavior. This simplifies management for Issuers and enhances decision-making, leveraging data analytics for a deeper understanding of the pilgrimage payment ecosystem.

An Advanced Payments Platform for Merchants

Our Payments solution integrates effortlessly with existing POS systems, offering merchants a robust platform to manage transactions. This enhances the service provided to international pilgrims and significantly reduces operational costs compared to traditional payment methods.

Key Benefits for Stakeholders

For Pilgrims

Experience the convenience of digital payments, with options for easy top-ups, secure transactions without carrying money, and hassle-free withdrawal of unspent value post-journey. Plus, enjoy the flexibility of paying at merchants, whether online or offline.

For Merchants

Experience seamless and transparent settlement processes involving Issuers, Acquirers, and Merchants. Accept virtual asset-based payments, which mirror the tokenized version of the local currency, maintaining a 1:1 peg. Get reduced discount rates and lower rate of transaction failures compared to international cards.

For Issuers

Offer an invaluable service to pilgrims by facilitating a seamless cashless journey throughout their Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage(s). With the provision for the issuance of pilgrim wallets, our platform empowers you to efficiently manage and oversee these wallets within your ecosystem. The Issuer Portal is designed to provide comprehensive info.

Ready to Lead with Blockchain-Based Innovation?

Elevate your experience with our Tokenization platform. Become a beacon of innovation in both the traditional and virtual asset-based transaction landscape.

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